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Technicalities of Feeder Angling – Which Feeder When ?

The question: “Which Feeder must I use” comes up very often.

We would like to answer the question by giving simple advice. We look at some of the Preston, Guru and Feeder Tech Feeders to give you an better idea.

Wire Cages

This Fine Wire Mesh Cage Feeder are mostly used in shallow water. The contents are easily washed out and leave a cloud in the water that attracts the fish. Range: Small Medium and Large 20g to 50g

Open Ended Plastic Cage Feeder

This Feeder are used to take the Ground Bait to the bottom. Easily Cast your Worms, Corn, Maggots Castors and any Particles sealed off with ground bait. Range: Small Medium Large 15g to 60g

Bullet Cage Feeders

Long Range Feeder with the weight in the front in a bullet shape nose it cast straight and true in crosswinds. A Hard squeeze will give you the advantage looking for that out of range casting fish. Range: Small Medium Large 20g to 80g

Distance Cage Feeders

It’s called a distance feeder with the weight forward that makes it fly but not as aerodynamic as a Bullet Feeder. This is nice to load with Chop Worm, Castors, Corn anddead maggots. Range: Small Medium

Flat Method Feeder:

Flatbed Method Feeder used with a Quick Release mould. This will virtually catch anything specially carps. Range : Medium Large 35g to 45g.

Hybrid Feeder

Hybrid Feeder is the same as Method Feeder used with a Quick Release mould. Just a different shape. This will virtually catch anything specially carps. Range : Medium Large 35g to 45g.

Banjo Feeder

In Tommy Pickerings words. “In winter, when you don’t want to put a lot of bait in, this design acts like a dinner plate with a single hook bait buried in the middle. Fish such up the pinch of
ground bait you’re your hook goes in their mouth as well.” Range: Small – Large 20g to 40g


Pipe Feeders

It’s in the same class as the distance feeder. With a pipe shape body makes it fly further but not as aerodynamic as a Bullet Feeder.
