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Technicalities of Feeder Angling – Mixing Groundbait

Feeder Tech Method Feeder Ground Bait create a highly attractive natural smell through the water, getting fish in a feeding frenzy. Creating Ground Bait is our passion and we always use quality ingredients which are irresistible for fish and it will give you the edge. Follow our simple steps to prepare your Ground Bait.


All you need are a 12lt Ground Bait Bucket, Drill, Wisk, Riddle, 0.37 lt Bait Bucket, Water and Feeder Tech Ground.

Empty Ground Bait in 12lt Bucket.

Add 370ml water

Wisk until all ground bait are mixed with the water.

Next very important step. Add small amounts of water until you get the aroma smell of corn.

Wisk again to create the perfect mix.

Riddle Ground Bait to make sure all lumps are braked up. Ground Bait are ready to fill a feeder and catch some fish